I have lived in a fantasy three out of twelve months for the past eight years. The school I work for is one of the few still operating under a year-round system. This means that instead of having summers to myself like the rest of the educators in the country, I have January, May, and September off. People ask, "Do you like that?" And I always say, "Yes!" Ask any of my coworkers and we all respond the same way. We work three months and then we're on vacation for one, and the cycle continues. There's always a light at the end of our tunnel. As a matter of fact, the light never burns out. It only gets dimmer or brighter, depending where we find ourselves in the three-month period. Like right now, that light is as dim as it can get because we're back to work tomorrow. But knowing that we'll be off again in May keeps the flame burning.
Rumor has it that this dream is about to end. We are scheduled to join every school system and their traditional calendar for the 2014-2015 year. That means that the majority of my vacation is going to be bulked into the summer months. For the first time in my adult working life, I'm going to be running my AC all day only to find the astronomical electricity bill at the end of the month like the rest of my peers. Sure, there will beams of light peering through Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Spring Break, but weeks off at a time will never be compared to months off. The aspect that upsets me most is that I didn't take full advantage of my vacations. I never traveled outside the west coast like I've always wanted. I was in grad school three of those eight years but I have no excuses for the other five. I guess I can blame the lack of funds. But more importantly, it's very difficult to find a partner in crime with the same breaks to explore the world with.
One of my coworkers said, "This is our last January off." I don't believe it; I'm in denial. I can't remember getting up at 6:30am Monday-Friday and spending seven hours with children, not including tutoring or writing lesson plans after school. I've lost all sense of time during this break, the longest of them all, a six-week period. I never know the day or date anymore. I go to sleep whenever I want, wake up when I wake up, go to the gym in the middle of the day, and go wherever I please.
I know most people only have two weeks of vacation and others have none. So I will not complain about returning to work tomorrow. Instead, I will savor the sweet memories of this past off-track time. I attended two family birthday parties, went on three hikes, visited four beaches, one museum, and a national park, saw a comedy show titled Undateable, had lunch and dinner with friends, went ice skating, watched Summon the Yeti perform at a local brewery, and visited two California missions. The most delectable part of it all was the food I had at the local eateries everywhere I went. I really need Jillian Michaels' help now.
I leave you with the tail end of my vacation before I set my alarm tonight for the first time since December 19th, 2013. I know I sound like a spoiled brat and I guess I am, but the end is here and it is a little sad, nonetheless.
Lunch at a local spot, Simple Simon's. How is it that I'd never been there?! |
The Lunar Fest really tripped me out when I saw many, many more dressed in their favorite cartoon characters like this one. |
The best of luck to those of you born in the year of the horse! |
I loved how this student-dancer kept her eyes on her teacher during the performance. Kudos to her for taking the stage all by herself. |
I thought these were the cutest kids. |
Sumo wrestlers. |
He's 370lbs and more flexible than most of us. |
I couldn't decide between Baayii and Byamba...that was until I learned that the latter is a four-time world champion. |
I thought this was the cutest little girl I had ever seen. She looked like a doll, from the 80s, none of this Monster High crap. |
I love my city! I wouldn't want to live anywhere else. |
Pacific Island Fire Dancers |
I wanted to join these girls, right then and there. |
Senryu Taiko Drums from my alma mater. |
Tiger Crane Lion Dance Team from UCR. |
Happy Year of the Horse! |
My baby parked in front of the mission. |
Beautiful winter day! |
Inside the church. |
El campanario. |
Father Serra, founder of all the missions. |
Bricks from the original mission, before the Indians burned it down, were used to make these crosses. |
I love me my California palm trees! |
Shot of the day. |
St. Francis of Assisi Fountain. |
My version of Mary Poppins :D |
Claustrophobic little door. |
I liked how the Mexican, Spanish, California, and United States flags were all represented. |
My seventh mission. |
Only 15 more to go! |
Just happy! |
I love my baby. I'm so thankful that she's taken me to so many places and on so many adventures. I love you, Rubi! |
Sunset Cliffs Natural Park. |
This warms my face just looking at it. |
I have nothing to complain about. |