Before you start this significant weight loss program, you have to agree to throw your weekly regime out the door. You must ensure eight blissful days off Super Woman duties to get rid of any excess stress that is scientifically proven to increase fat or inches or numbers on a scale. This includes but is not limited to a Curves workout, blogging, laundry (with the exception of bed sheets because the extreme temperatures will have made you sweat right through them), cleaning, and calling your mother for unnecessary reasons other than the standard Wednesday call. You will not see any results if your body, mind, and spirit don't find a guilt-free place.
Are you ready now? Let's go!
Day 1: On Monday, meet up with your significant other at the Old Spaghetti Factory. Throw on the little black dress you've been hanging on to for emergencies and walk in your stilettos like a high-end hooker towards the bar fifteen minutes prior to the scheduled time. Order a Factory Punch and pretend to watch NBC on the big screen. Relax your shoulders. Perhaps you'll attract the attention of the opposite sex (or the same sex if that's your preference) to build up your self-esteem and make you more desirable when your partner walks in, creating a win-win situation for all. At the table, remember first-date etiquette--be attentive, look into his eyes as he speaks, ask a lot of questions, and tell him your opinion. Execute your manners by not finishing your spaghetti with rich meat sauce. This will take will-power but remember, you won't have to cook later on in the week.
Day 2: On Tuesday, pick up Papa John's pizza for you and your significant other. Not only will he appreciate the impromptu pizza and beer night but love you more for it because that's exactly what he had mentioned craving on Monday night.
Day 3: On Wednesday, stay home and reheat that OSF meal. Then, sit on that couch that you never utilize and watch local programming instead of your Gilmore Girls DVD collection. Don't be embarrassed to laugh out loud at the morons on Wipeout.
Day 4: Work overtime on Thursday so it will become too late to cook. Head to your local Jack in the Box with your man. Order a chicken sandwich with tomato, small fries, and a small drink from the Value Menu. Chew slowly so you can stay full longer. This will also cause your man to regret his $5.99 burger meal and crave the cheap stuff because you made it look so damn scrumptious.
Day 5: On Friday, head to the Colorado River for the weekend to relieve yourself of the 107-degree weather. Snack on a cheeseburger from McDonald's while you watch a wind storm touch down around you on the I-10. The atomic-bomb looking cloud to your right and the limited visibility before you will distract you, causing Sparky, your man's best friend, to steal a lick of your burger's last bite. But don't worry. This will only give you an excuse to dig into the bag for yet another cheeseburger to make up for the lost piece.
The atomic-bomb cloud |
You won't be driving, but you will be paying attention to the road as if you were. |
When you arrive at your humble lodging, have some home-made refried beans and flour tortillas; there is nothing like comfort food. Later, head to your local Albertson's to prepare for your Colorado River trip-- a small bag of Flamin' Hot Cheetos that fit into your purse so you won't have to share with the children in your significant other's family, a Family Size bag of Flamin' Hot Cheetos for the kids, cherries, oranges, and water.
The wind storm will touch down where you decided to rest and wake you up at 5am. |
Day 6: On Saturday, have some Honey Nut Cheerios for breakfast. The fresh milk will balance out your body temperature. Soon after, grab the Family Size bag of chips you bought because it's on the table. Suck on a couple of those while you watch TV. Around noon, ask your man to make you a ham sandwich. Make it a balanced meal by washing some cherries and keeping the Hot Cheetos close at hand. Around three, have carne con chile with more beans and a flour tortilla. By four, you'll be ready to head to the river with a full stomach. This will allow you to pack light. Tow a couple of bottles of water, the sack of oranges, and the cherries you purchased last night to help keep you hydrated.
What the river will look like |
Child's play toys left behind |
Children's footprints will seem cute in 116-degree weather |
The rainbow you'll see when you get home, which will be replaced by lightning within a couple of minutes |
Once home, have Pizza Hut pizza in the cooled down 110-degree temperature outdoors. You will only have one slice of pepperoni because the Cheetos have filled you up like a blimp. That will not stop you from downing an Oreo shake from Carl's Jr., though. Then, take a shower and watch
Big Miracle because it is a "feel good" film. And don't forget to grab your Cheetos.
Day 7: On Sunday, grab another bowl of Honey Nut Cheerios before heading to church. You've fainted before and don't want to take away the attention of the locals on your weekend excursion. Ignore the cell phone ringing in the pew behind you but do give the man an annoyed look when he answers. Shake your head when he answers a second time but remember that God is the only one allowed to judge him. After mass, follow the crowd to Denny's and order the Grand Slamwich. You might have never been a sausage fan before but you will change your disposition after your first bite. Help it go down with a strawberry lemonade. Back at your resting quarters, eat a few more Cheetos before hiding the bag away for good. At 3pm, have a grilled chicken leg, three tostadas with the chile rojo, and another flour tortilla to go with more beans because it'll be months before you have another meal like that again.
Day 8: On Monday, return to your regular schedule. Eat oatmeal for breakfast, a snack-size amount of Planter's Energy Mix nuts, Lean Cuisine for lunch, cherries as a second snack, a Fiber One granola bar after work, and 3/4 cup of Special K Vanilla Almond cereal before heading to Curves. Complete the 30-minute workout, stretch, do 60 crunches, and then hold your breath as you step on the scale. You did it! You lost one pound without even trying! Your five-foot, seven-inch frame hadn't weighed 134 since high school. That is something to be proud of.
Repeat every couple of months.
(Disclaimer: Individual results not typical and will vary. If you decide to commit to this non-diet program, make sure you partake in the activities mentioned above in temperatures that exceed 100 degrees to increase your chances.)