Tuesday, March 5, 2013

This Is How I Roll

The festivities started two nights before my birthday at Pete's Cafe and Bar in Downtown L.A. on Saturday night where my high school BFF and I celebrated our 31st year of life. 
On Sunday, one night before the Big Day, my parents treated me out to Chili's because my mother was craving the turkey sandwich she had there in December. (Never mind the fact that we were celebrating my birthday and I wanted pizza.) I told her before we ordered, "If you tell em it's my birthday, they'll bring free dessert." She told the waitress, "Eats hur berthday." The waitress said, "Happy birthday! Do you mind being humiliated?" I said, "Not at all." So about six waiters sang to me after we cleaned our plates. Joke's on them. 
My aunt gave me this ensemble. She always dresses me and luckily, she has good taste. So good, in fact, that I wore the blouse on my birthday.
Beautiful earrings from my cousin and nieces. My parents bought me the 24 inch TV for my bedroom. Fine, my mom can choose where to eat any time.

I walked into my apartment and saw these roses on my table. Since I told Leo I didn't feel like celebrating on the anniversary of my actual birth, he tried surprising me on Sunday night. I say tried because I spotted his car in the Guest Parking when I arrived.

This was my main gift from him. I didn't want a tablet because I have the urge to type blogs, stories,  and emails sometimes. You are reading this because of my new awesome little laptop.

He also got me the movie I wanted. I told him he better not have spent more than $13 at Target because that was the sale price. He said he had to because it's the Blue Ray/Digital Copy/Ultra Violet version. Alrighty then. 
A gift from my "work mom."
Soo cute! Also from her. 
She made sure to point out that the scarf was from her while the blouses were from her son, my friend and coworker. 
Bday balloon from a friend.

She knows me too well--those are my favorite colors! I put the bracelets on right away.

The celebration continued on to the next day. Ms. Irene and Pops gave me the  perfect relaxation gift box: Stella Rosa, a book, and two movies. It's for sure now, I am doing NUH-THING this weekend but consume myself with these presents. 
I promised my friend, the giver of such gift, and myself that I will not spend it on yogurt, peanuts, toothpaste, or paper towels. 
And finally, the gift from my sister is in the mail, right Jackie? Since I refused to pay $40 for a shirt at the concert, she said she'd get it for half the price on P!NK's website. I wonder which one she chose and when it will arrive...hopefully sometime this year.

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